I have been living the high life the last five months with both the pregnancy and Crohn's. As the baby has gotten bigger and more active the fact that I am not a normal pregnancy has become more and more evident. My hernia under my ostomy is keeping the baby low and on the right. That hernia is also getting pressure on it from me getting bigger. I've noticed a great deal more noise coming from that area, which can be a little embarrassing when sitting in a meeting (like all day yesterday). The hernia on the upper right side of my abdominal incision is really starting to poke out but other than being unsightly, it is not hurting.
But the thing that is really getting to me is the area where my rectum used to be. I feel like I did six years ago--"back when I had a butthole" and had active Crohn's in the area. I actually think it might be worse. The area throbs and there is a lot of pressure. My high risk OB and my GI agree that this is something I will just have to deal with for the next few months. Apparently some of the "anchors" for the uterus run right along the rectal area of the normal woman. These anchors are hitting scar tissue, sensitive nerves, and adhesions on me. They have given me some low grade pain medicine but I am trying to avoid taking it as much as possible.
I think my usual "I'm going to live life and not let Crohn's get in the way" attitude is going to have to be put on the back burner for a while.
Crohn's Disease: 1 Alison: 0
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