I've been missing in action the past couple of weeks because "Pregnancy with Crohn's Disease" has turned in the "Pregnancy with an Incompetent Cervix" and I could not really find anything relevant to Crohn's to add.
On top of that, we're headed in to what will be our fourth move in nine months, requiring me to shop online for a refrigerator and new bed. After a meltdown over bed shopping online my husband agreed to sleep with the mattresses on the floor until I am either off of bed rest or the baby comes. How on earth am I supposed to buy a bed sight unseen? I'm not sure if I have mentioned this on here before, but we live in North Alabama where the terrible tornadoes of 27 April passed through and the rental house we had just moved in to was hit. That house is now known as the "Tree House" and the house we are in now is the "Summer House". The house we will move in to next month is called "The House".
I have noticed over the past week or so, after entering the third trimester, that the baby seems to be growing at a much faster rate. As he has grown he has made himself at home behind my ostomy (and hernia), making things interesting. I know his head is over there and from the best I can figure he is punching near my hernia/ostomy. It is the weirdest feeling I can think of to have a person in there "jiggling" my intestines. Maybe he is reacting to bowel sounds?
Add to that the changes I have noticed at the top of my abdomen, and I have become hyper-aware of my intestines. As he has grown up in to my abdomen I have started noticing sharp pains after I eat. The best I can figure they are strictures that are being further confined by the growing baby, making them more sensitive. I have been dealing with strictures for years simply because this many years of disease has left my intestines looking like a war zone. But I have haven't had this many incidences back-to-back that I can remember.
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