Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Intestinal Blockage: Hands Down the Worst Pain I Have Ever Had in My Life

I have had Crohn's Disease for nearly 30 years.  I have had numerous surgeries, delivered a baby via natural childbirth (after 27 hours of labor and 7 full hours of active pushing), and had some doozy surgical recoveries.  I have never in my life had as much pain as I had starting Sunday night.  All over some stupid fruit salad.  Fruit salad that I have eaten dozens of times year after year.  But Sunday night something changed and I had a partial intestinal blockage.

The only way to describe the pain from a blockage is to ask someone to think of ocean waves, ocean waves of excruciating pain.  The way they gather momentum before cresting, only to settle down before hitting the shore.  The problem is, there is always a wave forming right behind the first wave.   And another, and another.  The pain from a blockage comes in waves, over and over again.  And when one ends you think for a moment "wow, it is over, maybe I am done", right before another wave hits.  The waves can last anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute.  And they just keep coming.   After several hours of this my body was exhausted but I still had another 8 hours or so of this terrible pain before my obstruction resolved.

My GI thinks that the food got caught up in some adhesions from years of disease.  I can feel exactly where the problem area is located.  I can feel food and drink passing through it even now.  It scares me to feel things pass through there.  What if the next thing I eat gets stuck?

That was Sunday night/Monday morning and here I am on Tuesday night, back at home and scared to death to eat anything.  I feel like I have been stabbed in the gut, then punched where they stabbed.  It is scary to think that really most anything can cause another blockage.  What caused the blockage this time is something I have eaten with no problems in the past so who's to say the next potato with just a hint of skin left on it, or a pickle, or maybe some veggies that aren't cooked completely to death, won't cause the next big blockage?

I hate Crohn's Disease.

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